Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have to say that I never thought about adding my blog to my resume when I start going on interviews.

I’m so happy Professor Luongo brought this point up in class because the market (especially in these crazy times) is so competitive that you need something to help you stand out.

I used to be a recruiter and I can’t tell you how many resumes I would barely look at because they all had the same opening line. It becomes tedious.

I also know quite a few people who had a hard time finding a job in the teaching field after college and now are doing something completely different. It’s scary but a reality.


  1. Anything that can positively stand out to an administrator can only help. This blog can really be a strong selling point. You can "prove" you have learned not only *about* technology, but how to use it.

    Great posting!

  2. Monica I have included my Classroom Web Page in my resume! I believe like Dr LUongo it shows the adminstrator the different skills and techniques I use in my classroom to keep my students ineterested and informed.
