Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ABC News: Teacher: Wrong Computer Click Ruined My Life

I was watching the news yesterday morning, as I do most mornings when a story came up about a substitute teacher who simply wanted to email her husband, had a mishap when lewd images starting uncontrollably popping up on her screen and authorities said she “purposely or, perhaps, carelessly — exposing 11- and 12-year-old students to pornography rather than teaching them English”.

Below is the link from the NY Times about the story, which was published on February 14, 2007, to give some background if you haven’t heard of it before (like me).

Below is a link from which was shown on Good Morning America yesterday morning.

ABC News: Teacher: Wrong Computer Click Ruined My Life

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My personal opinion is that she should not have been on the computer that day to email her husband. If she was looking up something related to her class then that is fine. She should have also thrown out the theory of not touching anything and turned off the computer. Sometimes you have to go against rules to do the proper thing, especially for kids.

At the same time the school needs to take some responsibility; regular tests should be done to make sure each computer is up to date and virus free.

I’m curious to see what others think about this situation; is it entirely the substitutes fault, the school or both? Tell me what you’re thinking; maybe it can spark an interesting discussion.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello Class!!!

Just testing my blog out.
