Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Children & Internet Safety

It is so scary that when on the Internet so many things can happen that you wouldn't even know about. Inappropriate sites can be logged onto (unless there are parental blocks which I think are necessary), chat rooms where conversations can take place between strangers and personal information taken right from you.

Growing up my parents always told me to never talk to strangers, in my world at the time it meant an actual person standing in front of you; today it's of course in person but also in cyberspace. Kids are so naive and think anyone is trying to be nice or their friend or a good listener. It's so sad that there are people out there with negative harmful intentions that make the rest of us untrustworthy to most.

It's also disturbing that when most people are on the Internet they are completely different people than in real life. I don't know if anyone has heard of 2nd life, but it is this online world where you create yourself in a computer figure form (I forget the actual term used), make friends with people and go to different online places and basically be whomever you want. We are coming into an age where yes technology is helpful for business's, teaching, learning and conducting research but it is also making people (not all) but some so introverted it's unhealthy.

What happened to the days where kids played outside with their friends and all the kids in the neighborhood ran around and played hide and seek; I guess like Jukes Article said that is the different between Native and Immigrants of technology.

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